Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board
Dr G.J. (Guïljo) van Nuland (1956) - Chairman
Member of the Supervisory Board as of 2015. Holds various supervisory directorships, other supervisory positions as well as advisory roles within social, semi-public and private environments.
Dr J. (John) Hak (1966)
Member of the Supervisory Board as of 2015. From 2010 – 2015 Chairman of the Board of Management at Kempen & Co. Axeco partner. Holds supervisory positions at several companies.
Eng. P.A.R.J. (Paul) Vismans (1955)
Member of the Supervisory Board as of July 2017. Independent adviser and former director in the (international) real estate sector. Holds supervisory positions in the cooperative sectors and technical consultancy.
Johan van Boldrik (1954)
Associated adviser and former chairman of VB Groep management team.